Cupcake, Donut and....
Dear friends and collectors,
I have an exciting news for you, well more than one to be honest but let's start with this one, I’m back to the sculpting table and I’m working on a new head. You probably guessed right from the title of this post, the new doll coming is the third sisters of Cupcake and Donut from my Resin Drop collection.
Please welcome little Cookie!

Little Cookie is still in a rough stage but I’m confident to be able to show you the sample very soon and have her preorder open on my website by March (if not sooner)
Stay tuned because I will post more pictures of this work in progress and I would love to know your impressions about her.
Have a wonderful day
Linda M.
We will make it happen 😉
Cool, I hope to get a basic tan from you.
Fair skin: basic 250 / full set 480 Tan: basic 270 / full set 500
About how much will she be? I may want to budget for her.
Thank you Lincar