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Reflections about dolls as a form of art

In a world that changes constantly, art and collectible dolls are the expression of our inner child.

Lately, I found myself thinking about the meaning of what I do. Creating something artistic right now sounds like a luxury.

But is it really true? Are art and artistic creations really a lavish addition that the World can survive without?

I think the key to answering that question is the word "survive." Yes, we can survive without art; surrounding ourselves with beautiful and precious things is probably not necessary, but surviving is not living. I think we deserve better than a boring world made of just what is necessary.

Art in every form and shape is a fuel for the soul, a vehicle for inspiration, and an escape from crushing routine and depression.

Too often I end up trapped in the social media swamp, scrolling through hundreds of meaningless videos and pictures that give me nothing and just rob me of an insane amount of precious time.

My fault, of course; nothing forces me to stare at that screen and keep going. I can put the phone down whenever I want, right? Well...

I miss the time when those social media were actually a place where we could find inspiration, make new connections, and new friends. Being accompanied by the same passions, sharing new dolls, seeing the work of fellow artists. Now I feel like I need to scroll for hours before I see something I really want to see, and sometimes I get lost in all the trash that the so-called "algorithm" is throwing at me.

Anyone else out there feel the same? (I keep the comment section open if you want to share your thoughts.)

It's harder than usual to keep up the good work, but I tend to find a way to keep creating when I'm pushed down, so I'm not even close to giving up on dolls; quite the opposite. I just need to feel the support of my beloved collectors, without whom I wouldn't be a doll artist. I know you are out there, and I just need to find a way to bring you here so you can enjoy the creative process of doll making without all the background noise of AI advertisements, fake news, scam products, and so on, that populate social media right now.

You are all welcome to come and read my blog entries, see the pictures of my new works and share them with your friends, it is free and I'll try to make it an enjoyable experience.

Arts deserve to be seen and shared but mostly enjoied!

That said, I would like to share my new customized art doll Maria in a Valentine's Day style dress, I've beed inspired by the old Holly Hobby illustrations.

This Maria will be available in my shop on February 1st, is an in stock doll, ready to be shipped as soon as you place the order, she could be a precious Valentine's gift.

I'm also secreatly working on about 5 porcelain dolls but I'll tell you more about them in my next blog more reason to come back :)

Thank you for listening me venting ;P

Dolly-hugs and see you next time


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1 Comment

Your ARt is much appreciated and you make many smile. in this rather mixed up world ~


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